Information On Lift Station Pumping Systems

20 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog


A lift station pumping system is a critical part of an industrial sewage system. It is designed to transport wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher one. This is necessary when gravity flow is not efficient. Lift stations typically consist of underground storage tanks (wet wells) and pumps that cause the wastewater to move. You can learn more about lift station pumping in this article. 

Lift station pumping is essential for changing elevations

The lift stations are essential for overcoming the challenges of elevation changes in a wastewater collection system. They are placed in strategic locations, so they are at the low points in the network where the wastewater would otherwise accumulate. The primary function of the station is to pump the wastewater from the wet well to a higher elevation. This allows the wastewater to continue flowing to its destination, which is the discharge point or treatment facility. 

Lift station pumps and wet wells work together to accomplish a single goal

A wet well is an underground storage tank used to collect wastewater until it reaches a certain level. One of the main purposes of the wet well is to relieve some of the demand that's placed on the pumps so they don't have to frequently turn on and off. The number of pumps at a lift station will depend on the volume of wastewater that needs to be pumped. The pumps are able to handle specific flow rates and meet the other requirements needed for the task. 

Routine maintenance and monitoring keep the lift stations functioning properly

There are controls and alarms that monitor the water level in the wet well. The control systems will ensure the pumps activate when necessary. They can be automated so they operate efficiently to prevent problems such as backups or overflows. The alarms are designed to notify the appropriate personnel or operator in the case of any malfunctions, such as 

  • Pump failures

  • Abnormally high water levels

  • Power outages

  • Abnormal readings

  • Any other malfunctions

The pumps are also regularly maintained to keep them in good working order. The maintenance includes inspecting the pumps, cleaning the wet wells, and addressing any issues that arise to help ensure everything runs well. The systems can be monitored on-site or remotely. This ensures that any concerns will be addressed promptly and in a manner that's adequate for the needs of the lift station pumping equipment.

For more information on lift station pumping, contact a professional near you.