4 Things Parents Should Never Flush If You Have A Septic System

30 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog


While all waste management systems benefit from avoiding disposal of stronger, hard-to-decompose materials, septic systems depend on the diligence of their owners to keep working. If you dispose of large items or items that take a long time to decompose in your septic system, it will likely fill up too quickly, clog, and have odor issues long before it should. If you are the parent of an infant, you may be using many more paper products than you used to, and you may wonder exactly what you can throw in your toilet and what you should avoid putting there. 

Wet Wipes 

Wet wipes, even if they say on the package that they are flushable, should always be thrown in the trash can as opposed to the toilet. A septic system cannot handle wet wipes. This becomes especially important when you start potty training your child if you are still using wet wipes for wiping, as it can be easy to toss the wet wipe into the toilet after use. However, from the beginning, you should train yourself to use the trash can instead. 

Disposable Diaper Liners 

Disposable diaper liners are supposed to make cleaning disposable diapers easy, as the parents can simply lift the soiled liner out of the diaper without having to spray out the feces. Unfortunately, these liners are too strong to break down in a septic tank and will lead to problems. For this reason, if you use disposable diapers, you should skip the liners altogether and think about investing in a high-pressure diaper sprayer connected to your toilet.   

Cotton Balls 

It can be easy to toss everyday trash, like cotton balls, into the toilet instead of opening the trashcan in the bathroom. However, these items will build up in your tank and quickly cause problems. Make sure they are thrown in the trash instead of the toilet. 

Antibacterial Soaps 

If you are the type of parent who likes to keep your little one completely germ free, you may be tempted to use antibacterial soap for bathing your baby and for washing your hands before touching your baby. However, septic systems require certain kinds of bacteria to help break down waste. Your antibacterial soap does not differentiate between good bacteria and bad bacteria, so you may end up with a stagnate septic tank if you use too much antibacterial soap. The same goes for strong cleaners such as bleach, which some parents use to disinfect with. 

Talk with a professional septic service for more information on what you should and shouldn't put in your toilet and down into your septic system.